"Three Spoons Full"
An exhibition by Robyn Wernicke in conjuction with "Radiant Pavillion" A biennial series of contemporary jewellery and object exhibitions at various locations in Melbourne during August and Septemeber.
"Three Spoons Full" is a celebration of the humble spoon and cooking, presented in conjuction with a series of Victorian era button hooks.
The exhibition will also include a display of Robyn"s own collection of spoons. The works in this exhibition are dedicated to Valda Wernicke.
Opening on Saturday the 2nd of September through to the 16th of September.
Pop past to take a peek in our window as it will also be visible when we are closed.
In the window until Wednesday the 16th of September.
The exhibition can also be viewed in the window after hours at night.
Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday 10 to 5.30 and Saturdays 10 to 4.